
Career Readiness

We provide a career guidance solution to help young people view where their potential lies   

 Readiness Solutions  

We are dealing with a fast paced, rapidly changing world; a world in which many careers that exist today, were not available ten years ago – from data Scientist and AI Engineer to Sustainability Manager and Emotional Intelligence experts. Discover what motivates you, what success looks like and how to tackle the essential skill of career planning. 

Career For Me: Student  

Career For Me helps career starters become experts on themselves, explore the job market, find their most suited job and the right training for it. 

Career For Me: Student 

Empowering everyone to have a successful and fulfilling career 

Empowering everyone to have a successful and fulfilling career 

How do you prepare students for a continuously changing labour market? How can you help a young person’s talent to be discovered and enhanced? How can you ensure that everyone gets the same chance? 

Assessing skills, interests and motivations of students when they join college will uncover a learning track for students to ensure they are ready for a successful launch of their professional career. 

It’s a known fact- how, where and even why we work is changing dramatically. Emerging and developing trends such as robotics and AI, economic fluctuations, migration and climate change demand a fresh look at what it means to have a successful and fulfilling career. 

This is a challenge; to have an engaging job we enjoy and that we are interested in. We not only need to craft a fulfilling and successful career, but to also continuously develop ourselves, learn new skills and explore new opportunities. 

What does success really mean to me? What motivates me and why? 

Through a journey of comprehensive exploration, Career For Me guides the individuals to ask themselves those necessary questions that they are not used to examining in their daily lives, like ‘What does success really mean to me?’, ‘What really motivates me and why?’, ‘What do I want to be involved in and do my job?’ 

With the answers you discover, and the additional activities we offer, the program leads you to take immediate action toward achieving your goals and building successful and fulfilling career. 

Supporting the Essential Skill: Career Planning 

Career For Me is: 

  • an engaging online career and learning planning program.   
  • based on self-awareness and auto coaching.   
  • suitable for individuals from age 16.   
  • designed to help with choosing the right career path, progressing in current role, entrepreneurship and switching careers.  
  • organised into two components – Student and Professional. 


Career For Me: Students  

Career For Me helps career starters become experts on themselves, explore the job market, find their ideal job and the right training for it. 

  1. Discover their professional interests, key motivations, and strengths 
  1. Understand the labour market and explore types of jobs and industries 
  1. Validate their most suited profession and find the right training by offering additional activities 

How does Career For Me work? 

STEP 1  

Watch the introductory videos 

Get an initial understanding of skills and abilities and why they are important in career planning through online videos.  

Step 2

Take the questionnaire

Take the online questionnaire to discover your unique traits


Step 3 

Get results instantly 

Start exploring career paths with the help of your results and the explanatory videos. Take the right actions towards your career goal by completing additional activities. 

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