Managerial Skills Profiler
KSh 10.00
We can help you select the right person for this critical role. Our Managerial Skills Profiler (MSP) is a psychometric instrument that helps you profile an employee’s skills pertaining to his or her ability to perform a managerial role. The test focuses on those interpersonal, intra personal and professional skills that are critical for success as a manager across industries, sectors, organisations and job profiles. Psychometric profiling is done by trained and certified psychometricians.
MSP (Managerial Skills Profiler)
Much has been said about the need to have good and dynamic managers who can understand their team as employees do not leave companies, they leave their managers!!!
We can help you select the right person for this critical role. Our Managerial Skills Profiler (MSP) is a psychometric instrument that helps you profile an employee’s skills pertaining to his or her ability to perform a managerial role. The test focuses on those interpersonal, intra personal and professional skills that are critical for success as a manager across industries, sectors, organisations and job profiles. Psychometric profiling is done by trained and certified psychometricians.
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