
Career Progress

Proficiensy Career Progress is an online platform that helps students prepare for their future careers by providing a roadmap to explore career paths, understand necessary steps, and stand out in the job market. 

 It emphasizes the importance of combining academic and career readiness to connect classroom experiences with the skills needed for post-college employment. 


Why Proficiensy Career Progress 
Empower & Enable 

Connect your students with the career they desire by providing them with access to career readiness tools.  


 Empower & Enable

If your students haven’t already started preparing for their future, they’re running behind. Career Progress empowers and enables them to build on their understanding of “how” and “what” they need to do to get the future they want.

Oftentimes, students don’t know where to start when it comes to career preparation.

 We help students think strategically and practically about how to pursue their goals in the most effective ways. It starts with your students understanding who they are (career interests, values, skills) and how that translates to their academic and career plan.

Job skills for the 21st century workplace 

Prepare students with the skills employers want — and expect. 

Our career preparation tools helps students make the connection between their experiences in the classroom and their post-college career goals. 

It emphasizes the importance of combining academic and career readiness to connect classroom experiences with the skills needed for post-college employment. 

In the 21st century workplace, meeting the technical skill requirements of a job is expected. In addition to academic knowledge, displaying a strong set of professional skills in the workplace shows employers your students have interpersonal capabilities, which provides them a competitive advantage. 

Career Progress helps students hone these skills through a series of aligned assessments that use a range of formative and summative, evidence-based assessment techniques to evaluate students’ proficiency in each skill area

Demonstrable results

Improve your students’ chances to stand out from the crowd.

Demonstrable results

Throughout the Career Progress career prep journey, students will:

  • discover more about themselves
  • develop their personal brand
  • get the scoop on real job opportunities
  • show their competitive value to employers

These steps help build a student’s professional identity. Digital tools found in Career Progress allow students to visually document these successes and share their story with employers. 

Students can bundle their accomplishments into one digital package that goes beyond a static resume alone to showcase their professional skills along with their on-the-job and experiential learning achievements. 

Training & Support 

You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers. To help guide you through what you can expect, we’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions. 

What are the various ways Career Progression can be used? 

Career Progression can be incorporated into any career planning and preparation initiative in programs (any discipline, internship prep), courses (Capstone, Career Development, Professionalism), services (Career Services, Student Services), and institution-wide opportunities. 



How can Career Progression be a part of a larger educational program at my institution

Career Progression was intentionally designed to be incorporated with any initiative that requires career planning and preparation. It can be integrated into First Year Experience programs or orientation. 

You can also use it for Career programs, counseling and advising sessions, or with employees already on the job looking to upskill. . 


Is Career Progression based on research? 

Research done by UNESCO and other bodies have identified and normalized a dozen “soft” skills systems and tools. Over the years many institutions have come up with a single framework of the most commonly referenced personal and social capabilities identified with career and college success. Aligned to this framework, we built tests that help students to identify and develop these skills, based on research and best practice in self-paced formats. 

 Who can I talk about Career Progression? 

Go here to learn more about using Career Progression at your institution. 


Which student populations is Career Progression? 

It was designed with undergraduates in mind. However, its purpose is to help all students develop a process for career preparation and planning that, once learned, can be replicated after college when students are looking to upskill or change positions, companies, or industries. 

How long do students have access? 

With an institutional adoption, the length of access for Career Progression is one to four years. Students have the option to renew their access on a subscription basis by contacting Proficiensy directly and registering for monthly renewal

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