Sector Skills Assessments

Sector Skills Assessments


From inception of skills training, assessments & evaluation have been most critical in evaluating the competency and performance of an individual for a given job role. Evaluation is the systematic, on-going, iterative process of monitoring development. It is done to determine if the trainee is doing well and to identify areas of improvement.

Proficiensy seeks to offer sector skill assessment services on regional and national level for quality assessments through a network of qualified assessors, subject knowledge and technology platform which contributes to providing quality to the overall skill ecosystem.

Best Practice Skills Audit

A skills audit is the process of assessing your employee’s skills via a questionnaire and then identifying potential knowledge gaps which might affect the long-term plans of the company. We offer competence-based self-assessment with validation by the direct manager or supervisor.   


Conduct high stake certification tests on secured platform with ease of registration proctored centers and real-time analytics.

The need for certification is becoming crucial as:

  • It empowers candidates with a certificate and instills a sense of accomplishment.
  • It assists in employment by connecting trained and certified candidates with employers and maintaining  a management information system.

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